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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Time Travel.

Hello Readers,

Today we saw the movie The Time Traveler's Wife. And we got to thinking... is time travel cool or not? Why has no one created a time machine? In our opinion, if Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison couldn't make one, it must be impossible. Through time, Stay Strong.

Personally, I think the idea of time traveling is dumb. It's like, I'd already know what mistakes I am going to make and about my successes but I can't change any of it? Talk about creepy. It's just like that question people ask, you know, if you'd want to know when and how you're going to die. WHO ANSWERS YES TO THIS?! I mean, how can you enjoy your life when it's like a count down? I'd only want to be able to ask some magical genie (i.e. Aladdin) a specific question, like "will I get into medical school?", or "will I ever be cursed with children?". Otherwise, forget it.
On the other hand, traveling back in time might be kind of fun. I always thought living in the 40's would be fun. Or being a pioneer or something. Only for like a week, and then come back to good old 2009.
Also, would you marry a man who you knew travels time with no control? I would NOT. Talk about inconvenient. I'm already grumpy enough without dealing with that BS. The question is, where do people come up with such preposterous ideas? I need a coffee beverage.
[Wrightless Smalls]
I finished reading The Time Traveler's Wife last night around one o'clock. I cried last night, and I cried at the end of the movie as well! Weak? Yes I am. Seriously though, could you imagine knowing when you were going to die? Or, knowing that the love of your life was going to die in a matter of moments? I wouldn't be able to handle it, let alone if I had an Eric Bana-like husband. He was a hunk!
"There are definitely pluses and minuses to Time Traveling. I personally would like to leave it to fiction. After all, I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise that I will have when I'm famous and traveling the world with my incredibly handsome husband."
-Ella Mentry 2014
Woah! Where did that entry come from?! And why is it green??It's quite hypocritical given the circumstances...hmm. I must depart and consider this foreign blog entry from my future self.
~Ella Mentry~


  1. Ya know... I met Alladin a few months ago and let me tell you, he was not amazing in the least. First off, he wanted to be dirt-poor. Second off, he wanted to change the world with his music. I mean, seriously, who says that? Certainly not some magical genie. Wait a tick. Maybe that wasn't the REAL Alladin....

  2. time travel doesnt work like that (if at all) wouldnt necessarily be able to see what you are going to do (only what WOULD happen if things continued down the same path through time from the instant that you left....not to mention the paradox of seeing your future self, multiple time streams etc etc lol) since whatever you are seeing (when you got there) can be changed by you once youve seen it and returned (natasha bedingfield, unwritten anyone? haha). Unless you think everything is predetermined.....but thats a conversation for another day i musings nonetheless.

  3. EDIT:after rereading your post...... i guess time travel can work that way if its used as a fictional plot device (movies, books)......makes things more interesting i guess haha

  4. Judging from the previous posts, I can be glad that Stephen Hawking is a regular contributor.

    And also, I have built a time machine (several in fact) and let me tell you something, Varq is an interplanetary sport that claims approximately a quarter-million lives a year.

    The ramifications of these mere "musings," to quote whoever the hell that was above me, are so damn integral in shaping the structural layout of Arcology Three in 2078 that I interpret this as a violation of law 93, all of which you will learn of in time.

  5. Yeah! I'm agree with that latest post! And hasn't anyone ever seen Back To The Future???? Simply beautiful.
