Show me that smile again! Oooohhh, show me that smile!
We think you know what we're talking about...GROWING PAINS! We loved it, you loved it, everyone loved it. Even the theme song is unbelievably catchy!
Stay Strong!
Growing Pains... ahh, what a classic way to spend my afternoons in elementary school. Kirk Cameron is certainly not someone I would lust after now, but back in the day, man, I thought he was the best looking guy ever. Mullet and all. Of course at the time I never considered this, but dear Kirk had some serious hair spray in that hair of his. Total 80's.
To be perfectly honest, I do not remember much about the show except that Mike (Kirk) always seemed to be getting into some mischief, and he had a best friend named Boner for god sakes!! And then if I remember correctly, our dear pal Leonardo DiCaprio graced the show with his young, good looking presence. Pre Titanic of course. Another point of interest is that I am mildly certain the same set, or a very very similar set was used on Full House with the Olsen Twins. Or maybe I just get those shows mixed up. Who knows!
I DO know that such innocent shows are no longer readily available. We have moved on to anticipate specials such as "Shark Week", and of course new episodes of "Iron Chef" with SuperChef Bobby Flay. Oh, how we love Bobby Flay.
[Wrightless Smalls]
Two names: Kirk Cameron and Mike Seaver. Same person. WHAT A BABE!
Might I also point out that Mike had a friend named "Boner." Need I say more?
I didn't think so. He was so cool. His sister Carol kind of freaked me out,
and Alan Thicke was such a serious,all-knowing father. Ben was crazy. Also, thank God they adopted Leonardo DiCaprio just to add another BABE to the show. I don't care what he looks like now, he was mighty fine back in the day. Wait, scratch that! I just googled him in growing pains- not mighty fine. Obviously my young self thought he was a happening dude. Oh well, he was cute in Titanic; bravo Leo.
Now I part, but I leave a small gift:
~Ella Mentry~
I like Super Chef Bobby Flay WAY more than stupid Guy Fieri! Guy thinks he is so cool! I see him driving around Santa Rosa all the time, and he is such an ass! He just is so smug, unlike me, and so rude, also unlike me! And he can't even cook! All his food upsets my tastebuds! I'm the greatest cook ever! Aren't I, sweety-sugar-honey-dear????
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Wrightless Smalls, you were just the best roommate EVER!!!!!!!!!
i agree with the whole growing pains thing....i had my eye on tracy gold though (carol).....ahh afternoons with the disney channel.......to be young again.