could spark some great discussion.
Stay Strong.
My answer to this question is a bit off the mark. Human beings are technically animals, and
damn brilliant ones at that. So I'd probably prefer to be human and have a toilet and clean
water than crapping in the woods and drinking water with pond scum in it.
I guess that isn't a very satisfying answer for my lovely readers though, so let me ponder this
for a second. Ok, I've got it:
Why, you ask? Because they are brilliant. They live for a long time. And they actually form
families, which is kinda nice in my opinion. They're huge so they get to eat a lot. PLUS, they
look very sweet, but who wants to mess with an elephant? Exactly.
[Wrightless Smalls]
If I could be an animal I would definitely be a Great White Shark. However, I wouldn't be just
any Great White Shark, I would be a GW in South Africa. I mean what wouldn't be great about
that? I'd be a savage of the deep. The apex predator. You just swim around, find your food, then
burst through the water at top speeds, destroying anything in your way. Yep, sounds like a good
time to me!
~Ella Mentry~
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