I am going to take my own spin on this Andrea Bocelli post. Of course I have mad love for the man, considering the hours it took to try and perfect the pronunciation of words not native to my English tongue, but I will now share with you why I have a more recent tie to good old Andrea.
WILL FERRELL. Have you seen Step Brothers? If not, you must. At the end, darling Will sings an Andrea song that is so beautiful, yet humorous, it brought a whole new feel to the song. Everything Willie Ferrell touches turns to gold. Listen to his rendition of Bocelli's song, and I'm certain you'll agree.
Another point: Is Andrea not a feminine name? Perhaps I am not European enough to understand such trends.
[Wrightless Smalls]
Andrea never ceases to amaze me. I mean, he is just fabulous!
I recently watched him do a concert. He seems so kind-hearted.
We are big Will Ferrell fans and even Will utilized one of
Andrea Bocelli's songs in Step Brothers. He knows several
languages, has the voice of an angel, and he's blind. I'm pretty
sure those three qualities make you a saint. On that
note, Wrightless and I also spent many a time
singing The Prayer in our little Catholic School choir.
Talk about Saints! Now I go. As I part, I suggest you
check out, Somos Novios with our boy Andrea and
Christina Aguilera.
~Ella Mentry~
Will Ferrell does a magnificent job with that song, as wiht all other songs (such as "Let's Give Em Something To Talk About") As his dear bro says, he often takes the shape of a unicorn when he sings. So beautiful it brings the smallest of tears to my eyes.