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Monday, August 31, 2009

Road Rage: A Modern Epidemic.

Hello Readers,
Our apologies on the lack of bloggin' as of late. Moving back to college is a time-intensive activity! Anyways, recently we have noticed large amounts of road rage occurring in our small town. We find it highly irritating. Stay Strong - don't let all those angry drivers out there get you down.

There is not much out there that can put a damper on a nice sunny day spent driving to get some iced coffee with your best friend. In fact, nothing can spoil such an event in my opinion. HOWEVER, a little something we all love to hate called Road Rage sure can give you a momentary murderous feeling.
Folks, this is 2009. Smart people don't just drive around leaning on their horns and shaking their fists all the time... because they know that even the kindest-looking of cars can hold dark secrets inside, such as an AK 47. Even a machine gun!
My point is this: although Ella Mentry and myself may look kind and innocent driving along in my old car, the truth is, the fate of the next Road Rager just might not be as pleasant as that of the first. Just kidding, but really. There is a time and a place for rage, and the road is not one of them.
[Wrightless Smalls]
What a douche. Sometimes that's all you need to say.
~Ella Mentry~

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Andrea Bocelli


Andrea Bocelli. Known for such hits as: Time to Say Goodbye and The Prayer, Andrea Bocelli stole our hearts in the 4th grade(when we were forced to sing Time to Say Goodbye in full Italian garb for an elementary school performance). Did you know he is blind? How amazing! When it's 'time to say goodbye', Stay Strong, folks.

I am going to take my own spin on this Andrea Bocelli post. Of course I have mad love for the man, considering the hours it took to try and perfect the pronunciation of words not native to my English tongue, but I will now share with you why I have a more recent tie to good old Andrea.
WILL FERRELL. Have you seen Step Brothers? If not, you must. At the end, darling Will sings an Andrea song that is so beautiful, yet humorous, it brought a whole new feel to the song. Everything Willie Ferrell touches turns to gold. Listen to his rendition of Bocelli's song, and I'm certain you'll agree.
Another point: Is Andrea not a feminine name? Perhaps I am not European enough to understand such trends.
[Wrightless Smalls]
Andrea never ceases to amaze me. I mean, he is just fabulous!
I recently watched him do a concert. He seems so kind-hearted.
We are big Will Ferrell fans and even Will utilized one of
Andrea Bocelli's songs in Step Brothers. He knows several
languages, has the voice of an angel, and he's blind. I'm pretty
sure those three qualities make you a saint. On that
note, Wrightless and I also spent many a time
singing The Prayer in our little Catholic School choir.
Talk about Saints! Now I go. As I part, I suggest you
check out, Somos Novios with our boy Andrea and
Christina Aguilera.
~Ella Mentry~

Thursday, August 20, 2009

IF you could be an animal...

IF you you could be an animal... what would you be and why. We expect responses people, this
could spark some great discussion.
Stay Strong.

My answer to this question is a bit off the mark. Human beings are technically animals, and
damn brilliant ones at that. So I'd probably prefer to be human and have a toilet and clean
water than crapping in the woods and drinking water with pond scum in it.
I guess that isn't a very satisfying answer for my lovely readers though, so let me ponder this
for a second. Ok, I've got it:
Why, you ask? Because they are brilliant. They live for a long time. And they actually form
families, which is kinda nice in my opinion. They're huge so they get to eat a lot. PLUS, they
look very sweet, but who wants to mess with an elephant? Exactly.
[Wrightless Smalls]

If I could be an animal I would definitely be a Great White Shark. However, I wouldn't be just
any Great White Shark, I would be a GW in South Africa. I mean what wouldn't be great about
that? I'd be a savage of the deep. The apex predator. You just swim around, find your food, then
burst through the water at top speeds, destroying anything in your way. Yep, sounds like a good
time to me!
~Ella Mentry~

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Papa Bloom

Who is this crazed man? To the world, and to his many fans, he is known as Papa Bloom. To Ella Mentry and Wrightless Smalls he is known simply as Dad. What does he stand for? Random hugs, great advice, and, if you're lucky, a completely crazy comment that comes out of nowhere.
When you're in need, who ya gonna call? Not ghostbusters, but the always Strong, Papa Bloom.

I first had the pleasure of meeting Papa Bloom (then commonly known as "Mr. Bloom") when I was 5 years old. That is when I befriended the dear Ella Mentry. Readers, I must tell you that I pity those of you who have not had the pleasure of encountering this fine gentleman. While his large stature and bushy mustache may be intimidating at first, Papa Bloom should be no more feared than a puppy. Unless of course, you are a boy dating one of his many daughters, or have committed some crime-like act.
I have many fond memories of Papa Bloom from over the years from playing a game called "Octopus", to singing songs together, to the one of a kind GREAT advice that he always has. Perhaps the best part about Papa Bloom is the surprise hugs he supplies. Whether or not you are a true daughter of his, if you know him long enough, you become one.
I honestly think Papa Bloom should have an afternoon show called "Coffee Hour with Papa Bloom". What a hit it would be!! His jokes coupled with his endless wisdom would make his show one that would rival even the great Oprah Winfrey I'd wager. In conclusion, I have mad love for Papa Bloom and I feel very grateful to know him so well.
[Wrightless Smalls]
I first met Papa Bloom when I was born. I don't remember
anything about that day. Come on people, I was an infant. Anyway,
for all of you who don't know Papa Bloom, you should. He is a large
man, with dark hair,beady brown eyes, and a big mustache. What says
Papa more than that? You may be asking yourself, is this man human?
Yes, yes he is. Behind his super-Dad like appearance, he has crazy
ideas, gets stressed out from work, and sometimes projects his own
problems on his many children. But enough of that,we're all human.
Even Papa Bloom.
So, what's the big deal?
Firstly, Papa Bloom can advise you on any subject. Even
spelunking;(Wrightless and I tested this by asking him about
spelunking in Eastern Europe). Sometimes, if you're feeling blue or
just chilling at the Bloom house,Papa Bloom will surprise you with a
hug. He talks to guys about future plans,interrogates boyfriends in
a kindly manner, and he says the funniest and craziest things.
One day he walked into the Bloom house with a green felt
news boy cap on, met Wrightless' boyfriend at the time, and said:
"So, what are you doing with my girl?"
Papa Bloom. Enough said.
I leave you with one of his great quotes, that he got from
Granddad Bloom:
"He says to me, 'Chuck, I don't care if you're out there
digging ditches.If you're the best at what you do, there
will be demand for you, and you will be successful and
make money."
-Papa Bloom
So, if ever you're down, stop by the Bloom's. Papa Bloom will brew
you a cup of the best, strongest, coffee you've ever had, and give
you the advice you need.
~Ella Mentry~

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Time Travel.

Hello Readers,

Today we saw the movie The Time Traveler's Wife. And we got to thinking... is time travel cool or not? Why has no one created a time machine? In our opinion, if Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison couldn't make one, it must be impossible. Through time, Stay Strong.

Personally, I think the idea of time traveling is dumb. It's like, I'd already know what mistakes I am going to make and about my successes but I can't change any of it? Talk about creepy. It's just like that question people ask, you know, if you'd want to know when and how you're going to die. WHO ANSWERS YES TO THIS?! I mean, how can you enjoy your life when it's like a count down? I'd only want to be able to ask some magical genie (i.e. Aladdin) a specific question, like "will I get into medical school?", or "will I ever be cursed with children?". Otherwise, forget it.
On the other hand, traveling back in time might be kind of fun. I always thought living in the 40's would be fun. Or being a pioneer or something. Only for like a week, and then come back to good old 2009.
Also, would you marry a man who you knew travels time with no control? I would NOT. Talk about inconvenient. I'm already grumpy enough without dealing with that BS. The question is, where do people come up with such preposterous ideas? I need a coffee beverage.
[Wrightless Smalls]
I finished reading The Time Traveler's Wife last night around one o'clock. I cried last night, and I cried at the end of the movie as well! Weak? Yes I am. Seriously though, could you imagine knowing when you were going to die? Or, knowing that the love of your life was going to die in a matter of moments? I wouldn't be able to handle it, let alone if I had an Eric Bana-like husband. He was a hunk!
"There are definitely pluses and minuses to Time Traveling. I personally would like to leave it to fiction. After all, I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise that I will have when I'm famous and traveling the world with my incredibly handsome husband."
-Ella Mentry 2014
Woah! Where did that entry come from?! And why is it green??It's quite hypocritical given the circumstances...hmm. I must depart and consider this foreign blog entry from my future self.
~Ella Mentry~

Sunday, August 16, 2009

It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Falls Out of the Truck

Today we had another adventurous reunion with our old pals, and part of the day included riding in the back of a pickup truck along an old back road in Big Sur. We would just like to point out that while participating in such an activity, one MUST stay strong.

There is nothing quite so simple as riding in the back of an old pickup truck. To me, such an activity speaks of simpler times, before rampant STD's and car jackers. Anyways, as far as I can tell, there is no other way on earth to be simultaneously frightened for your life, yet utterly at ease. The wind and dust in your hair (and eyes) has a soothing summery feel to it, yet you certainly feel grimy after the ride is over.
Although, as we all know.... it's all fun and games until the truck goes careening off the edge of a perilous ravine. I mean, imagine that happening for a second. I'm pretty sure no one would continue laughing and clapping their hands with careless glee. No, those of us with blood still actively running through our veins (of course I include myself among the surviving) are thinking one of several things:
  1. "Fuck. Now the car is broken down and we have to walk."
  2. "Lester!!! Can you hear me?? Does anyone know CPR?"
  3. "This is the prime time for me to rehearse my interview, because this is sure to be on the news at some point".
  4. "Where is my camera? This needs to be caught on film."
Just sayin', folks. Better safe than sorry.
[Wrightless Smalls]
Dirt. I think I'm completely covered in dirt. Today, we went to Big Sur with the same friends we went to the German restaurant with. We sat in the back of our friend Kelly's truck with Lisa. As soon as we started to go. I knew there was going to be problems. I braced my self as we sped at 30 miles/hour through the private property. It was insane. The turns were quick, dust was everywhere, and my life flashed before my eyes. Then we were fine. I guess the moral of the story is... thrills are fun, but don't get yourself killed or anything. Also, I Got a Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas is a GREAT song.
Ok. Peace.
~Ella Mentry~

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Growing Pains

Show me that smile again! Oooohhh, show me that smile!

We think you know what we're talking about...GROWING PAINS! We loved it, you loved it, everyone loved it. Even the theme song is unbelievably catchy!

Stay Strong!

Growing Pains... ahh, what a classic way to spend my afternoons in elementary school. Kirk Cameron is certainly not someone I would lust after now, but back in the day, man, I thought he was the best looking guy ever. Mullet and all. Of course at the time I never considered this, but dear Kirk had some serious hair spray in that hair of his. Total 80's.
To be perfectly honest, I do not remember much about the show except that Mike (Kirk) always seemed to be getting into some mischief, and he had a best friend named Boner for god sakes!! And then if I remember correctly, our dear pal Leonardo DiCaprio graced the show with his young, good looking presence. Pre Titanic of course. Another point of interest is that I am mildly certain the same set, or a very very similar set was used on Full House with the Olsen Twins. Or maybe I just get those shows mixed up. Who knows!
I DO know that such innocent shows are no longer readily available. We have moved on to anticipate specials such as "Shark Week", and of course new episodes of "Iron Chef" with SuperChef Bobby Flay. Oh, how we love Bobby Flay.
[Wrightless Smalls]

Two names: Kirk Cameron and Mike Seaver. Same person. WHAT A BABE!
Might I also point out that Mike had a friend named "Boner." Need I say more?
I didn't think so. He was so cool. His sister Carol kind of freaked me out,
and Alan Thicke was such a serious,all-knowing father. Ben was crazy. Also, thank God they adopted Leonardo DiCaprio just to add another BABE to the show. I don't care what he looks like now, he was mighty fine back in the day. Wait, scratch that! I just googled him in growing pains- not mighty fine. Obviously my young self thought he was a happening dude. Oh well, he was cute in Titanic; bravo Leo.
Now I part, but I leave a small gift:
~Ella Mentry~

Friday, August 14, 2009

Culture Night: Our Style

Tonight, we vowed that this would be the best night EVER. Did we fail? Absolutely...NOT. We went to a super ghetto German restaurant in Seaside, then went off to Spanish Bay, where we were hit on by a band of middle aged men from Mexico. We have some great tips for you guys! When in the face of chaos, STAY STRONG.

Ella Mentry and I had high hopes for this evening, and as mentioned above, we were certainly not disappointed. The night's festivities begin with us meeting up with two good friends at this mildly frightening looking restaurant. Having never dined "German style" before, Ella Mentry and myself chose to share the Housse Platte, which basically consisted of samples of various German cuisine. Some were good, get the picture. To give you an accurate portrayal of our dinner experience: we were scolded for not cleaning our plates, and my WATER cost me $4. Is that even legal, I ask you??
Next my friends, we thought we would be able to meet Jay Leno perhaps relaxing by the fire pits in Pebble Beach... instead I meet "Juan" (an alias for sure) and company, who claimed to be my future husband. Did I mention he was 42 and had the biggest nose I've seen in a while? Not to mention the fact that he accused us of being lesbian twins. He thought his wildest dreams came true! Sadly for him, he was set straight by me. Luckily our supreme social skills allowed us to gracefully (gracefully is used loosely in this sentence) exit the situation. In all seriousness, had we been more stupid, we could have been kidnapped and transported to Mexico by morning.
[Wrightless Smalls]

I am pretty positive this could be the funniest post yet. So, Wrightless and I go to meet our friends Kelly and Lisa(names have been changed to protect our buddies) at this Seaside German Restaurant-sounds sketch already right? We get there before our friends, so we walk into what appears to be a miniature Germany on the corner, and bottom, of a laundromat/ apartment building. A short, blatantly German(accent included), man approaches us and says "You have reservation?" We respond with "No." He rebuttals "Oh, girls I'm sorry all our tables are full! You make reservations next time." We proceeded to leave, shocked that this place could possibly be full. As we step out, we run into our friends and begin to discuss where the heck we should go in the ghetto parking lot. No later than 10 minutes, the short German man bursts from the restaurant and yells "Oh girls! I have table for you! Someone cancelled." Again, we are shocked. We sit down, and he tells me that he thinks I've been there before. I haven't. Wrightless and I split the "Hausplate" which has EVERYTHING German on it. We eat, and soon discover that the owners are very persuasive. They won't let us have desert until we've eaten everything, then we are forced to eat "black forest cake." The wife/chef/owner comes to take our plates and says that this cherry we left over must be eaten. I ate it: worst decision ever- SO GROSS.

Anyway, then we decided to go to Spanish Bay in the hope of meeting Jay Leno. Instead, we got a group of well off, very drunk, middle aged Mexican men hitting on us and trying to buy us drinks. Juan was outrageous and nearly followed us to our car. Paco kept trying to buy us stuff. Also, one of them in a pink shirt gave me a Spanish lesson. Needless to say, there was a lot of space invading, leg touching , and alcohol breath; AND NO JAY LENO. Oh well, at least tonight was hilarious.

So ladies, if you're in a bind. Don't drink. Don't let drunk men convince you they can drive you places. Say you have rich powerful fiances named James and Tom.
~Ella Mentry~

P.S. Don't let German people convince you to buy dessert and eat disgusting cherries.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cookies: Friend or Foe?

Sup Readers,
As summer winds down and it becomes "back to school season", mothers tend to do an extraordinary amount of baking. While we all look forward to coming home to a plate of warm, fresh cookies, do they not come back to bite you in the ass (and hips..and stomach) later? Stay strong - resist that third or fourth cookie, friends.

Damn cookies!! Not once can I just take one, savor it, and wait until tomorrow to eat another. NO sir! Throughout
the day I find reasons to snack on them, like "this double chocolate chip cookie would be exquisite with my morning
coffee", or "dessert after lunch? Why not!?".
I find myself eating them with glee and then promptly feeling hateful towards myself. And have you ever noticed
that the BAKER of the cookies (usually the mother figure in these parts) is never the one tossing them back like they're
popcorn? I mean really, you'd think that by the time one was of the ripe Sophomore in college age that I have come to,
I would have learned to control my cookie fetish. Alas.... not yet.
[Wrightless Smalls]
Cookie monster. Didn't he have the life? I think we all have an
inner cookie monster. He comes out, takes over our bodies, and eats
unbelievable amounts of cookies. He's happy; then, he leaves, satisfied,
and you are the one who feels like a huge blue monster. Cookies are friends
in moderation and foes in excess.
And now I will close with a famous quote:
"C is for cookie. That's good enough for me."
-The Cookie Monster
~Ella Mentry~

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Yachts and Jets. Boats and Hoes.

We really like Step Brothers as you guys know; so, we thought we'd incorporate their snazzy song into today's entry title. Wrightless Smalls would love to have a yacht when she's filthy rich, and Ella Mentry would like a Gulf Stream Jet. What type of luxury transportation will y'all select when you're really rich?! We know you will be; after all, you are smart enough to be reading our blog! You're gonna make money somehow!
Stay Strong, Boats and Hoes!
I knew that I was destined to one day own an obscenely large yacht the moment I laid eyes on the second largest yacht
the world floating in the harbor where I live. Folks, the thing was BY FAR larger than the average American home. Did I mention
that it had a helicopter landing pad, as well and a mini driving range?
Obviously I have no use for a driving range on my future yacht (golf is terribly boring in my eyes), but a small landing
pad would be quite convenient considering Ella Mentry's choice in owning a private luxury jet. When asked what form of
wealthy transportation I would one day acquire, I decided upon a floating paradise because you can virtually do anything
you want with a boat. I would of course have a swimming pool on the upper deck as well as a highly trained staff to
conform to my every whim. I'd be lulled to sleep by the rocking of the ocean and woken up by the smell of my own
Starbucks coffee roasting. What a luxurious way to go from vacation home to vacation home!
Keep reading our blog, Readers, and you too will be able to afford such glorious accommodations for yourselves.
[Wrightless Smalls]

The Gulf Stream Jet. Light of my Life. I will fly high. No lie. You know it. My
luxury jet will be awesome. I'm hoping it will fit around 13 people. The minute I
purchase it, I will round up my fam and fly them to Greece, spend 5 days with them there,
then I will pick up my 6 best buddies and fly to New Zealand! Isn't that the life?! I can
hardly wait! I'm hoping that Warren Buffet will be my homie at this point and I can invest
in his Jet company. It's only a matter of time until I am cruising amongst the clouds. Also,
there WILL be a big screen TV and leather chairs in the jet. Peace Out.
~Ella Mentry~

Monday, August 10, 2009

Grease = False Expectations about Highschool

Did you think John Travolta and Olivia Newton John were going to be at your highschool? Surely not, you looney tune! However, this dynamic duo might have lead you to believe that your highschool experience might be a little more like Old Rydell if you get our drift. In the following entry we are going to reveal what false expectations Grease gave us regarding highschool. We're sure you'll agree.
Stay Strong.
Folks, I'm not sure if you grew up watching the fantastic classic film Grease like I did, but let me tell you, I sure thought my teenage experience would be something other than what it was. I mean, first of all... how disappointing that lunch time did not consist of school-wide sing-a-longs. I love nothing more than a good, snappy show tune with my pals! High school dances also sucked. There was no hand jiving, no school-wide dance competitions, no live band. On the last day of school, much to my dismay, no carnival materialized, no harmony was sang, and no one threw up all their papers in glee. I always wanted to, but it just would not have been the same had I been alone.
But most of all, there was no John Travolta at my humble school, waiting in his tight white apparel, willing to woo me at the drive in movie with a beautiful song.
I must admit though, I still haven't given up hope that I will one day ride into the clouds in a hot rod sitting next to a 20 year old John Travolta look alike...
[Wrightless Smalls]
I got chiiiilllsss they're multiplyinnnggg and I'm looooosssiiinnggg connttroooooll! 'Cause the power you're supplying! It's ELECTRIFYING!
Man oh man was I disappointed that "John Travolta-like" studs weren't sweeping my off my feet the moment I stepped onto my high school campus. Let's be blunt. In what other high school, than Rydell high, are all the students attractive and in their musical talent peak age of the early 20's? None you say? I didn't think so! Also, Rizzo. Enough said right? She gets pregnant, Kenickie(ya crazy name- who names their kid that?!) ditches her basically, and then it's a false alarm in the end and they're stoked and suckin face like nothing happened(sorry about the run-on sentence). One message rings true from this musical: "Beauty school drop out, go back to high school."
In conclusion:
Unless a young hip John Travolta bursts in to my door at this very moment, singing Summer Lovin, and I magically know the very complicated moves to a choreographed dance, I will never be satisfied due to the lack of similarity between my life and Grease.I guess I realize the young John Travolta can't burst into my room without the assistance of time travel, so don't worry I'll settle with a very close look alike.
~Ella Mentry~
[On a side note, if Kenickie and Rizzo had spawned a child, what the heck do you think they would have named it?! Rizickie? Kenizzo? Sadly, the world will never know.]

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Success Today, Flap Jacks tomorrow!

Julia Child. Barefoot Contessa. Paula Dean. Super Chef Bobby Flay. Wrightless Smalls and Ella Mentry.
Of course, these are the great names in cooking, us included. Personally, we love Paula Dean y'all, and we can't get enough of super chef Bobby Flay. Today we cooked boeuf bourgiugnon. The whole event was both traumatizing and rewarding. So, now, as we sit waiting for some B-E-A- UTIFUL blueberry pie...we think, therefore we blog.

Today was one of those stereotypical "best friend days". I got a text message this morning from Ella Mentry requesting a can of tomato paste, and from there it was all a whirlwind. We chopped, browned, simmered, and stirred for about three hours. The most difficult part by far was browning the meat... we have certainly not perfected the art of avoiding scalding steam from attacking your arm. But who better to enjoy such trivial experiences with than your best pal of nearly 15 years?

All in all, a success, though. We even found the time to relax and eat some cheese and crackers this afternoon, and do the two step to Brooks & Dunn's song "Indian Summer". All in all, our Julia Child experience was a success, and tomorrow we shall make a feast of pancakes.... now it sounds like all we do is eat! That is SEMI untrue, although I am impatiently awaiting some blueberry pie.
Eat, drink, and be merry!!
[Wrightless Smalls]
My little sisters are singing "La La" by Ashley Simpson. Weird sing along in my opinion. We just finished eating our boeuf, and now we retreat to the shelter of the couch and await the apple cider that is surely to be delicious. Anyway, when one cooks boeuf bourguignon, one has to brown the beef. You just have to make sure the beef doesn't brown you! I mean jeez louise, you have to flip over the little bastards so fast and all the while the grease and oil launches an attack upon your unprotected arm. C'est imposible!
Now my sisters are singing Soul Survivor by Akon, "have you ever been hated or discriminated" and now on to "My Band" by Eminem. We are all girls in aprons reading and blogging and singing vulgar rap lyrics. Life is gooooood.
~Ella Mentry~

Saturday, August 8, 2009


We are back and stronger than ever! Who you may ask? Wrightless Smalls and Ella Mentry (we have new pen names- and we think they are WAY better). We just saw Julie and Julia at our local cinema, and we have decided that, in order to launch into our future of undoubtable fame and fortune, we must STAY STRONG with our blog. SO. Fasten your seat belts, get a soft drink(or water- probs more healthy), and enjoy the ride. We sure as hell will. We love you guys and we promise never to abandon you again.
Love Always,
Wrightless Smalls and Ella Mentry

My greatest apologies regarding the heartless abandonment of our blog... I had high hopes for our documentation of our summer adventures, but alas, time got away from us. HOWEVER, today is a new beginning. As long as we are being true to our crazy selves (which we will, DUH), this blog can be nothing but exceptional.

And by the way... just so you know, our viewing of Julie and Julia has inspired us to make "beef bourguignon", or 'boof bourguignon' as Julie said it (totally annoying I might add) tomorrow. Should be QUITE interesting. The damn thing takes like three hours... it's a wonder you don't starve to death while you wait for it to cook. We shall let you know how it turns out!
Glad to be back.
[Wrightless Smalls]
A blog. Blogging. What is it? What does it mean? What will it yield? I know what you're saying, "Cut the philosophical crap, Ella Mentry." Okay, okay I got you. I must, however, divulge my thoughts about this to you before we get to the good stuff. I want to share with you all an insight into my life, which is both eventful, and uneventful. Life, for all, I believe, is simultaneously tragic and wonderful, boring and stimulating, and, finally just crazy. As Wrightless Smalls and I grow, I hope you will grow with us, learn with us, and share your thoughts with us. We have big dreams and a lot of time to make them come true. SO DO YOU! I suggest you jump on our bandwagon. We're not on the Oregon Trail or anything, so it's safe to say you won't drown while attempting to forge the river or be left in the wild with pounds of rotted buffalo meat that you forgot to salt. We'll just laugh together as we hear about the "Vida Loca"-thanks Ricky Martin.
All right enough of the sentimental *&$#@; rest up, cause tomorrow it begins.
~Ella Mentry~