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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hannah Montana

Dear Readers,
     Today we bring to light a very important subject in todays world, it is none other than...HANNAH MONTANA! Do you like her? Do we like her? Is she human?
   Read on and stay strong!
            G-Rizz and B-Money

Maybe I am being overly rude about Hannah Montana because I am in rotten spirits at the moment, but I can't stand the bitch. I am tired of seeing her blonde hair all over, and her annoying lyrics make me want to pierce my tympanic membranes. My bad, my ear drums for all you non-scientific folks out there.
She is right up there on my Hate Scale with High School Musical. I think what annoys me the most about such fads is that there is 1) little talent involved, and 2) high school and college girls are falling into a trap that is means for "tweens". Come on!! The only musical watching once you are past the age of 12 is Grease. 
I know I am harsh, but I can't help it. Miley Cyrus and Billy Ray are very annoying to me. Her voice sucks, and she is a slut-bag for dating someone in his twenties. And don't even get me STARTED about her "Oops I seemed to misplace all my clothing except this bed sheet" photo shoot.
 Talk about non-judgmental, right? 

  I am simply torn. I mean Hannah Montana; the name itself is soooo annoying! Yet, at times, I find The Climb stuck in my head. Also, can I just say that the Vanity Fair photos were gross. She was like 14 and wrapped in a sheet. She looked like she'd just got up from a one night stand. Weird! However, regardless of what I think, or what anyone thinks, she is laughing her way to the bank with a silly name. I think Hannah Montana and Miley are both ridiculous names,but at the end of the day she is still an incredibly rich celebrity and I am still B-money. 
    Peace Out Alfalfa Sprouts!

1 comment:

  1. I don't like her. She is too talentless and too ugly. Her face is just not the most attractive, its sorta monkey like and wide. Yuck on her and her blonde wig.
